Mickle Blog

「Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.」

Blackjack strategy


Blackjack Strategy 1. Basic Strategy Calculation (Picking the right horses / choosing the best stocks) 1.1. Expected Value (EV) for Each Action The optimal strategy is derived by calculating the...

Failure to start kernel due to failures in importing modules from files

"VScode 无法 start kernel"

Content Website: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-jupyter/wiki/Failure-to-start-kernel-due-to-failures-in-importing-modules-from-files Sometimes, the inability of a kernel to s...

GSA Spark summary

"GSA Spark 比赛总结"

Details Day 1: Very simple, just write python code to sum the numbers between 1 and n. Day 2: Using Bayes’ Theorem to Calculate Posterior Probability Bayes’ Theorem Formula \[P(A|B...

Follow Verification

"Next Generation Information Browser"

This message is used to verify that this feed (feedId:75601763499678720) belongs to me (userId:73599764313854976). Join me in enjoying the next generation information browser https://follow.is.

Hello world

"Hello World, Hello Blog"

Hello world!

VScode markdown render渲染器出错

"VScode markdown render渲染器出错"

更新VScode后出现了这个错误: VSCODE no renderer found for ‘text/markdown’ 找到原因可能是扩展页面的@builtin markdown 的扩展内置插件被禁止了 Enable后重启就好了

Broad-based Index


Broad-based Index Definition: A broad-based index is an index that includes a large number of stocks, typically covering an entire market or a significant part of the market, rather than being lim...

Left-side Signal and Right-side Signal


Left-side Signal Definition: A signal issued before a market trend reversal, aiming to predict the top or bottom of the market, allowing traders to enter or exit before the trend changes. ...